Determine your staff’s time management skills, diligent use of company resources, and active and idle hours during workdays.
Analyze and manage employee performance and reward them based on analytical data delivered by an insightful dashboard.
Monitor employee engagement, burnout, and efficiency with an intuitive dashboard that displays workforce productivity metrics.
Evaluate the workload balance and identify the top performers by tracking your team's productivity and availability status.
Protect intellectual and sensitive data by monitoring digital asset movement and receiving user action-related alerts.
Reduce your OPEX to improve your EBITDA. Renew subscriptions based on user footprints rather than oversubscriptions.
Streamline recruitment, create stage-wise regulations, and delegate the process to managers using our recruitment process workflow engine.
Maximize your team’s potential. Track progress, instil responsibility and accountability, simplify operations and discover valuable productivity insights.
Keep your team focused and task-oriented. Gain comprehensive insights and expert analysis of desktop screenshots and ensure sensitive data is handled responsibly.
MORE/hour does not track or store sensitive data like passwords, documents, or files, giving you complete control over what’s monitored and tracked.
MORE/hour is designed to serve only as an employee productivity tool requiring the user’s permission to track time and take screenshots.
MORE/hour protects time-tracking and screenshot data using 256-bit AES encryption to ensure your organization’s data privacy and security.