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Vector illustration of time tracking to increase productivity.

Making Inroads In Employee Productivity

MORE/hour - An all-in-one platform to track, manage, and enhance your workforce productivity.

Ensuring Your Business is in Good Hands

Welcome to MORE/hour - A productivity and workforce management software to help you understand how your employees work, whether remote, in-house, or hybrid. MORE/hour is ideal for small, medium, and large enterprises to gain insights into productivity and compliance.

Our non-invasive monitoring software is designed with your business and workforce in mind. With MORE/hour, you can simplify the daily hassles and complexities of managing teams while enabling transparent monitoring without compromising employee privacy.

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Morbi pellentesque est
Placerat quam lectus
At ut elementum

Our  Vision

We believe that team productivity begins with individual productivity and that empowering the entire team begins with empowering the individual. And it's not just that! We aim to help organizations and employees use their time more productively and focus on what really matters for business enhancement.

Our  Mission - Insight, not Oversight

Improve the productivity and efficiency of modern workplaces, by removing day-to-day complexities that they face while managing teams. We help businesses grow into a place where great work happens each day..

Vector illustration of the mission of the productivity monitoring company.
Vector illustration of the values of a productivity monitoring company.

Our  Values

Our deep-rooted values are the reasons for our success. We believe in:

  • Complete transparency made simple and automated by our tools
  • Dedicated customer service to build systems for their success.
  • Verified solutions built on global standards of quality
  • Absolute ownership and accountability for our projects and services
  • Cleverly-designed products to elevate team focus and work productivity
Get the most out of your business operations and improve your workflow with MORE/hour’s productivity-boosting products.
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