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MORE/hour Blog

May 25, 2023
The idea of remote work has been gaining popularity in recent years, changing our views on the nature of the workplace. The number of people in the workforce who do their jobs remotely has been rising gradually with development of novel technology and the rising demand for adaptability. About sixteen percent of companies throughout the […]
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May 5, 2023
Productivity is the rate at which work is completed by employees and the efficiency with which it is performed. Productivity is affected by many things, such as the workplace setting, employee attitudes, and organizational procedures. Business owners are constantly on the lookout for ways to increase output, and tools like employee productivity tracking software are […]
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Apr 20, 2023
Remote employee monitoring software is more than just using software to track your staff. It is the art of using technology to enhance work efficiency without violating employee privacy. It is a practice that ought to be handled with a lot of finesse if it needs to be effective in the long run. Remote Working: […]
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Apr 15, 2023
In the wake of the Covid pandemic, remote working became a common practice. However, monitoring remote employees is easier said than done. Even more challenging is monitoring employee productivity without direct supervision. Fortunately, every problem has a solution; in this case, the answer is remote working surveillance technology. Keeping track of your employees' activities has […]
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Mar 20, 2023
The advent of new technologies has forced businesses to rethink their management practices. Virtual tools will likely be used regardless of whether your company has adopted a fully remote, hybrid, or in-office work setup. And well, with us at More/Hour, you can get the best solutions at your fingertips within your budget! The present and […]
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Mar 10, 2023
Time-tracking solutions are becoming more popular in business nowadays due to the frequent updates to federal and state labor rules. Introducing monitoring to workers might be difficult for some companies because of concern that their workers would dislike the change. The introduction of time-tracking software is not a smooth transition for companies that have never […]
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