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How to Choose the Perfect Employee Time Tracking Software

Vector illustration of a time and attendance tracking application for tracking employees.
Mar 20, 2023

The advent of new technologies has forced businesses to rethink their management practices. Virtual tools will likely be used regardless of whether your company has adopted a fully remote, hybrid, or in-office work setup. And well, with us at More/Hour, you can get the best solutions at your fingertips within your budget!

The present and future of project management are enhanced by employee time-tracking software. Time tracking is an invaluable tool for organizations of any size, whether they consist of in-house employees or freelancers. Gains in efficiency, team responsibility, output speed, and billing accuracy can all be realized using time-tracking software.

Ways to Choose the Best Time Tracking Software - Tips by More/Hour

Choosing the right and most effective time-tracking software may be tough. Business owners and managers should consider a few key points before making a final decision. Here are some things to remember:

Contemplate your objectives

Consider your goals for using a time-tracking tool before making a final decision. Check that your time-tracking objectives are in line with those of your teams. Remember that if your staff resists using a particular tool, it has less to do with the tool itself and more with the boundaries you have set for them.

Be aware of your goals

Do you need to increase your profits? Are you trying to improve the efficiency of your business operations? It would help if you always considered the "why" behind your business decisions, especially the major ones. Use the time tracking software and a project management system to get more done in less time. Utilizing time tracking software can help you and your staff keep tabs on daily activities, which can lead to greater workflow consistency.

Talk to the group

Employee time tracking is a crucial aspect of business administration for which no universally applicable solution exists. First, you must consider your current staff's difficulties and assets. You should ask at least one team within your organization which time-tracking features they would like to implement.

Consider pricing options

Once you know where to take your company, it is time to create a budget to help you get there. There is a wide range of prices for time-tracking software. So it's essential to find a solution that works for your company. Therefore, it may be necessary to change existing systems to accommodate the forthcoming software. You should also look at the software your company already uses to see if it is still required. Regularly assessing your financial situation can help you reduce expenses.

Take UI into account

The software should have a polished user interface and be simple to operate. A user-friendly interface will streamline the time-tracking process for your staff whereas poor UI will make things tough for them.

Check for system integrations

Systematically recording how much time you spend on various tasks can complement your existing productivity software. Departments can better coordinate each employee's projects and schedules when using the time-tracking software in tandem with project management software. Your time tracking software can alert you immediately if, for instance, you assign a team member to a project that could cause them to work beyond their regular hours. As a result, problems with overtime can be avoided, productivity and morale can increase.

Factor in organization size

Your number of workers may also play a significant role in determining the best time-tracking software for your company. For instance, teams at small businesses may find time-tracking programs helpful. The software eliminates the need for timesheets and the associated chaos they cause for small businesses regarding payroll. The positive effects that efficient time-tracking software can have on your company might be enough to convince you to go ahead and make the investment.

Gather and evaluate options

Having established goals, parameters, and team consensus, you can begin searching for suitable time-tracking software.
List the available time-tracking tools that are:

  • In your price range
  • Provide your staff with the tools they need to track time effectively

By comparing these criteria, check how well each app can carry out your desired tasks.

Consider the extras on offer

Timesheets can burden your business due to the time and effort required to maintain them. If you are looking for new time-tracking software, your best bet is to go with something that can do more than track time. For instance, you can give your staff greater accountability with the minimal additional effort by using a time clock app with GPS tracking. To ensure that employees are clocking in and out from appropriate locations, you can monitor their locations as they use their mobile devices. If you have workers in different locations, this is especially useful. Working smarter, not harder, is the way to go.

Also Read: The Ultimate Handbook to Employee Time Management

Pick the software

After gathering several potential clock-in/clock-out apps/software, you can choose the one that best fits your needs. To save money, implement a single piece of software across your organization. This will also prevent teams and departments from becoming isolated from one another.

Consider training time

There will likely be some initial confusion when using new software; plan accordingly to keep output steady. The time it takes your team to adjust to new software should be considered before making the switch. It would help if you discussed the latest software's rules, regulations, and guidelines with your staff. This requires you to share your plans for organizational change with your team. A meeting with managers across departments to discuss how best to implement time tracking and educate staff is also recommended.

Go for phased rollouts

Start by giving the time tracking tool a trial run to see if it meets your needs and is something you'd like to use regularly. After making a decision, roll out the program gradually. Keep from making your staff constantly adapt to new software versions every few months.

It's time to implement the time tracking tool company-wide once you've found the right one and gotten buy-in from a test team or department after a trial period. So, start training as many people as possible and introducing the tool to other groups. Maintain a steady stream of feedback as well.

So long!

Choosing the best employee time-tracking software requires some research, but it's worth it to meet the needs of your business. Share the good news about how these resources will help you and your staff, and always aim for mutual gain. It's important to remember that the odds should be in your favor. To a large extent, success will depend on how you choose to apply tools. With the wide variety of features our time tracking software provides, More/Hour is undoubtedly the best choice for you. Get in touch with us today to try it now.

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