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The Ultimate Handbook to Employee Time Management

Vector illustration of employee Time tracking system.
Feb 20, 2023

Whether you're running a small startup or a large enterprise, keeping track of your employees' work hours and productivity is crucial for the success of your business. After all, happy and motivated employees are the backbone of any thriving organization!

In the past, businesses relied on traditional time-tracking methods to calculate employee salaries. But as technology advances, more and more companies are turning to flexible and innovative employee time-tracking apps like More/Hour which offers a plethora of features.

An Overview of Employee Time Monitoring Applications

Employee time tracking app or software is a device that helps firms track and manage the time that their employees spend on numerous tasks. This tracking application helps employees to check in and out, log their number of working hours, and monitor their team.The current time-tracking apps are popular and can increase production while strengthening partnerships between companies and workers.

Desktop App

A program implemented on a desktop pc (e.g., Mac or Windows) that logs user activities for admin review using its internal structure.


A web-based timesheet that can be accessed from mobile and desktop devices. It may connect with a payroll process to digitize wage computation or an invoicing application to facilitate billing.

Time Tracker

An online tool that allows customers to directly record their hours using a web browser on any internet-connected device (laptop, smartphone).

All You Need to Know About the Time Tracking Application Features

Below listed are the primary attributes of the time-tracking application. They might be included in a single plan or marketed as add-ons or integrated components.

Online Billing

You must have this function if you charge customers on the basis of the working hours. The tool accurately counts all worked hours and provides billing depending on your preferences for billable rates and time. This solution enables you to transparently invoice clients, thereby preventing disagreements.


Employees can keep track of their hours worked, logging in when they begin and logging out to finish their shifts.

Request for Time Off

Employees can make requests for time off to their managers, who will then decide whether to approve or reject the request.


Alert notifications can be implemented in various ways. For instance, a reminder is given to employees who forget to check in or out. Additionally, you can be notified in advance if the team is slipping behind schedule.

Project Management

While it is common for time tracking software to be integrated into a larger project management system, some time tracking apps also include basic project management tools that are not as comprehensive as those found in larger systems.

Overtime Monitoring

The system allows for transparent tracking of an employee's overtime hours worked, and then the managers can allocate dedicated time specifically to the project in question.

User Management

It permits the creation of groups and the management of users by department or team. This allows you to delegate tasks or generate group-specific reports.

Project Monitoring

It simplifies tracking of an employee's time spent on a particular project, while allowing managers to monitor their progress and productivity. Additionally, managers can use this to estimate deadlines and completion dates for the project or task.

Analytics & Reporting

With a few clicks, you can generate reports and summaries to study a vast array of task-related data. For instance, you can examine the total time required for a project, dive into specifics such as monthly and daily statistics, and study the data by the job.

Advantages & Methods of Using Employee Time Monitoring Software

Workers, managers, and your organization can benefit from time monitoring in different ways. They are:

Greater Productivity

Organizations can detect inefficiencies in their processes and take steps to fix them by monitoring employee time. Consequently, it results in higher productivity and more efficient use of corporate resources.

Saves Time

Many organizations log their workers' hours using Excel spreadsheets or paper timesheets. This can be inefficient and time-consuming. Instead of wasting hours completing paperwork, you can quickly record your workers' hours using a time-tracking app.

Better Project Management

The time-tracking applications assist managers in determining the duration of specific jobs and projects, which aids in project budgeting and planning. Consequently, firms can plan initiatives properly.

Adherence to Labor Laws

In certain circumstances, corporations are required to monitor employee hours to ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. The employee time monitoring applications help to ensure that these satisfy requirements and that staff works productively without feeling overburdened.

Employee Evaluation

It helps organizations to collect information about their staff's productivity, allowing them to use this information to make choices regarding recruiting, promotions, bonuses, etc.

Excellent Employee Engagement

Unlike many other mobile apps that offer a range of features, tracking apps have distinct and valuable functionalities that engage employees and contribute to their productivity while using the software.

5 Methods to Follow for Effective Employee Time Monitoring

Define What to Monitor

Don't record every detail. Define upfront what will be tracked. You may discover that an enormous task consumes half of your employee's workday. If staff do not record their daily activities, you will be unaware of them. The division of undertakings into smaller jobs is also beneficial. This increases the visibility of work and assists staff with time tracking.

Avoid Micro-administration

It is crucial to avoid micromanagement when monitoring the time of your staff. One of the negative things that may occur when utilizing a time-tracking tool is for employees to think like their superiors are constantly watching them. This attitude can only result in anxiety, adversely affecting the office's productivity and morale.

Protect Private Information

Share time monitoring information only with authorized parties. Doing so risks exposing critical information, as time tracking is closely linked to salaries. If an employee realizes that they are paid a little less than their peers for performing the same task may lead to workplace resentment. The permission capabilities of most time-tracking applications allow users to restrict who has direct exposure to what is inside the platform.

Be Transparent With Data Usage

Share how the company utilizes time-tracking data. Your team members will have a higher level of trust in you if they have complete visibility into how the firm utilizes their work information, enhancing cooperation.

Don't Complicate the Process

Keeping track of time may take a lot of work, especially for businesses with various divisions and locations. Invest in software that automatically monitors employee activities and calculates remuneration based on hours worked. This makes it more convenient for all parties involved and minimizes the likelihood of human error.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, time-tracking can be a valuable tool for businesses to increase employee productivity and ensure timely completion of work. That's why More/Hour offers state-of-the-art time-tracking software with unique features that can keep your employees engaged and motivated while increasing work efficiency. By incorporating our time-tracking software into your business's daily routine, you can streamline your operations and take your productivity to the next level. To know more, get in touch with our team.

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