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Activity Monitoring Systems
 For Government Agencies!

Government-wide User Activity Monitoring That Is Both Safe and Legal.
The vector image illustrates the activity monitoring of employees in government agencies.

Activity Monitoring Systems for the Government

Increased accountability, engagement, and output from government employees is possible with MORE/hour Activity monitoring software. Additionally, MORE/hour strengthens cybersecurity programs through user monitoring systems and behavior analytics, which can equip government agencies at all levels to keep an eye out for threats and stop data breaches.

Enhance Safety and Regulation Compliance with MORE/hour

Evaluate worker productivity

User behavior tracking software is an excellent tool for increasing overall workforce efficiency. MORE/hour is a potent instrument for maintaining the enthusiasm and efficiency of your office staff.

Prevent insider attacks and data theft

Government agencies are easy targets due to the sensitive information they handle. A malicious or unauthorized intrusion into your network could be uncovered, recorded, and stopped with MORE/hour.

Monitor third-party network users

You can keep tabs on outsourced workers and third-party vendors by monitoring their network usage with MORE/hour monitoring solutions. This aids in preventing data loss, whether by accident or design.

Manage regulatory compliance

Control and oversee the observance of all rules and laws; furnish complete documentation of compliance monitoring and forensic analysis. MORE/hour can draw attention to potentially dangerous routines and actions.

Protect your company from insider threats, keep tabs on regulatory compliance, and boost output all at once.
Schedule a Demo Right Away!
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