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Employee Productivity Monitoring: Here’s All You Need to Know

A corporate professional engaged in employee monitoring activity.
Jan 2, 2023

Employee monitoring is here to stay.Gone are the days when employees reported for work at an office and stayed there until the end of the day. It’s been several years since remote and hybrid working became the new norm.

Such work conveniences raise several questions for employers: How can they monitor on-site, remote, or hybrid employees? How to monitor employee behavior, cyber security, task completion, and time management?

The truth is employee monitoring stretches beyond mere tracking and analysis. It has transformed into a factor that influences employee engagement and productivity. How? Let’s delve into the details.

Employee Productivity Monitoring: What is it All About?

Of late, so much is being said about “productivity”- a word that seems omnipresent. What is productivity?

Productivity is considered one of the most critical drivers of economic growth and competitiveness. Moreover, it is the fundamental parameter for measuring the performance of everything: the company, employers, staff, workplace, products, and services.

At the workforce level, employee productivity monitoring is a practice embraced by organizations to ascertain their employees’ work engagement and contribution daily, hourly, or minute-by-minute.

Basically, the term “employee productivity monitoring” encompasses several aspects, such as:

  • Employee work performance.
  • Location of work
  • Tasks in progress
  • Task completion
  • Time management
  • Data security
  • Workflow efficiency
  • Work distractions
  • Internet usage

So, why should employee productivity be monitored?

Compared with times when employee monitoring was frowned upon, we have come a long way. Employee productivity monitoring doesn't stop with surveillance and collecting employee information. It is a practice that helps:

  • Foster trust between employers and their workforce.
  • Prevent inappropriate workplace behavior.
  • Ensure compliance with rules and regulations.
  • Track employees’ internet usage with screenshots.
  • Warn admins of unwanted internet activities.
  • Secure sensitive data with authorized access.
  • Prevent insider threats and cybercrimes.
  • Instill better time management for project completion.
  • Generate real-time reports on employee engagement.

With so much going on, employees are more likely to focus on their work if they know that management monitors their performance, behaviors, and how they spend their time.

But how does employee productivity management work? How is it implemented and brought into practice? Thinking about doing it manually? In this digital age, monitoring employee productivity the old-fashioned way is time-consuming, inefficient, and painstaking.

So, what is the solution?

Employee productivity tracking software is the most convenient and effective way to track employee productivity.

Employee Productivity Software: How Does it Work?

It's true that employee tracking software involves device monitoring, but the company as a whole will benefit from the resulting analysis.

Employee monitoring software can provide you with detailed information on an employee's daily productivity metrics, whether they are working in the office or remotely. The majority of employee monitoring software is designed to track:

  • Employee check-in and check-out time.
  • URL and Website usage during working hours.
  • Applications used during working hours.
  • Video and screenshots of the employee device.

The current digital scenario offers a plethora of highly upgraded monitoring software packed with a wide range of features required for particular industries and organizational setups.

However, when it comes to productivity monitoring, most software offers the following features:

1. Network Surveillance

To track the network traffic used in your organization and detect malicious activity that threatens your data security.

2. Video surveillance

To keep a look out for employee misconduct, theft, or unsavory incidents in the workplace. Although many organizations do not prefer video surveillance, it may be mandatory for some businesses for safety reasons.

3. Email Surveillance

Employees should remember not to use work email for personal purposes. Organizations use email monitoring software to check if employees adhere to this rule and prevent misusing official emails.

4. Screenshots

Although employers can monitor their employees directly through web cameras, taking random screenshots of their devices is more efficient and less intrusive. Screen capturing software enables managers to see screenshots of their team members' progress to ensure they are on the right track.

Dedicated Employee Productivity Monitoring Software

Rather than using different software for various monitoring tasks, using a single, specialized tool to unify your entire workforce and their work processes would be more sensible. Real-time metrics from this software can give you an accurate picture of how your employees spend their time at work, how they use the internet, and how they communicate with each other. It reports their idle and active periods and allows managers to view screenshots of workers' computer activities.

Besides these advantages, how else does a specialized employee monitoring tool benefit you? Let’s check it out.

What Employee Productivity Monitoring Tools Can Do for You

1. Actual Workflow Analysis

Nothing gives you an accurate analysis of your employee’s performance metrics like a specialized productivity monitoring tool. This single tool gives you a comprehensive view of your team’s efficiency. With this vital intelligence, your organization can modify its organizational structure in real time to suit each employee, no matter where they work.

2. Efficiency Resource & Time Management

Keeping track of employee productivity saves the company considerable money by tracking resource usage and activities. Reallocating resources and improving efficiency can be achieved with employee monitoring software.

3. Upgraded Productivity Measures

Using employee monitoring tools, you can track the hours an employee worked daily on the given tasks. You can make informed decisions based on the productivity rates of the individual, the team, and the entire firm. To promote a competitive spirit among your employees, you can give each one a productivity score to target.

4. Recognize Efficient Employees

Thanks to the transparency of monitoring, it becomes easier to recognize and reward employees who excel at productivity. Using the productivity tool, you can boost employee morale and encourage those facing roadblocks to achieving their goals.

Better Monitoring & Better Productivity with More/hour

An employee productivity monitoring system is a win-win situation for employers and employees. It is an effective practice that delivers long-term benefits for every organization.

No matter where they work, a sophisticated employee productivity tracker like More/hour can help you keep track of their productivity. Want to know more about our software? Call us today.

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