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Hybrid Workforce Management With MORE/hour

Utilize business intelligence behavior analytics to optimize your hybrid workforce management.
Vector image illustrating time tracking and employee monitoring of a hybrid working model.

MORE/hour Remote Deployment

Generally, hybrid workforce management software tends to be tailored to fit in-office teams and is often incomplete in its view of hybrid workforces. You can ensure equality in performance management by using MORE/hour’s data and visibility, contextual and actionable insights into productivity.

Time Tracking & Workday Analytics For Hybrid Teams

Manage Dispersed Workforce With a Single Dashboard

With MORE/hour, your hybrid workforce can be efficiently managed using a single dashboard that tracks activity and time.

View Employee Time Utilization

By using MORE/hour hybrid workforce management software, you can view the behavior of employees and teams during work hours.

Gain Data Driven Objectivity

With MORE/hour, businesses can gain a complete understanding of their operations daily through behavioral analytics.

Resolve Inefficient Workflows

Distributed team managers can leverage MORE/hour to resolve operational disruptions, sustain employee engagement, and facilitate team collaboration.

Empower your hybrid team managers with insightful guidance to improve employee engagement.
Get Started Today


An organization's software or platform to gather and analyze information to improve their hybrid employee management strategies is called a hybrid workforce management tool. Organizations can use these tools to glean critical information about their hybrid workforce by tracking their work-related activities.
Managing a hybrid workforce requires an insightful approach to determine if your employees and teams are meeting critical productivity goals. MORE/hour simplifies your work effectively by tracking time management, website use, and technology utilization. This visibility is vital for understanding your remote teams' successes and failures.
In the past, employee monitoring and activity analysis have been associated with surveillance and heavy oversight. MORE/hour, on the other hand, focuses on employee engagement and productivity through monitoring the workforce, whether remote or in-house.

MORE/hour complies with all norms regarding employee privacy. According to our policy on privacy, a company has the right to know what its employees do during working hours but has no right to know what they do during breaks or after work. Hence, our software does not monitor employees when they are inactive.

Discover how you can measure & improve productivity with your hybrid workforce.
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