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Efficiency at its Best: The Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software

A colorful illustration of an employee productivity monitoring system is depicted on the green banner.
Feb 15, 2023

Employee productivity tracking is the latest buzzword in the business world because productivity has always been the top priority in the US.

It is no longer the norm to monitor if employees are at their desks doing their work. It is a question of how well they are performing.

Are employees using their work time productively? Are they completing tasks efficiently? Are they using the internet and productivity tools for the company’s benefit? These are just some of the queries that all employers have. The solution to finding the answers comes from employee productivity monitoring software.

What Exactly is Employee Productivity Monitoring Software?

The business world relies on a straightforward formula:

Higher productivity= Higher revenue.

Higher revenue can unlock multiple opportunities for companies to grow, expand and sustain in the long run. That’s precisely why productivity is the center of attraction.

Within the business economy, employee productivity refers to how efficiently labor and capital inputs are used to produce a given output level. This is where productivity monitoring software differs from other employee tracking systems.

Once implemented, the software can help employees evaluate themselves and make more effort to achieve their goals productively and efficiently. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are more benefits to using productivity monitoring software.

The Pros of Productivity Monitoring Software for Your US-based Organization

1. Time Tracking & Resource Allocation
An adequate time tracker like More/Hour clearly shows how your employees utilize their work time. You can gather precise details like:

  • Idle time
  • Offline time
  • Time spent on work

It also gives you a clear account of the resources used to complete work-related tasks and the time spent on each task daily, weekly, and monthly. With this data, you can ascertain their productive and non-productive use of time.

2. Automated Time Tracking for Projects
Time trackers have dramatically improved project management, making employers more accountable to their clients. By integrating time-tracking software with project management tools, you can consistently track the time spent on each project-related task in real-time. With this tracking software, employers can estimate a project's profit and loss and charge clients accordingly.

3. Remote Employee Management
One of the employers' biggest challenges in the current scenario is remote employee management. Thanks to productivity monitoring software, it is now possible to track their:

  • Geolocation
  • Check-in and check-out time
  • Idle time
  • Time spent at work
  • App and URL usage

4. Streamlined Communication Networks
Workplace monitoring software can assist your company in ensuring employees follow workplace rules and communicate effectively. Better communication leads to better work completion and fosters a harmonious work environment among employees, irrespective of where they are.

5. Automated Attendance Features
Automated checking in and out of work is one of the biggest blessings of productivity tracking software. This feature enables you to keep track of employee attendance, whether they are working in the office or at a remote location. This attendance data is convenient when it comes to calculating monthly salaries.

6. Simplified Leave Management
Productivity tracking software will allow you to configure leave policies according to your company's policies. This feature makes it simple for employees to apply for leave requests and team leads to approve the same. Moreover, managers can easily access daily, weekly, monthly, and annual leave history reports gaining insights into employee attendance.

7. Task Delegation & Evaluation
Managers can now heave a sigh of relief by using productivity monitoring software for task delegation. Besides you can also:

  • Track the time taken for task completion.
  • Analyze the current status of work.
  • Evaluate task performance.
  • Prioritize important tasks and ensure completion.

8. Performance Analytics & Data
Real-time tracking with advanced software gives you accurate and reliable data at your disposal. You can monitor the apps, URLs, and websites your employees use during office hours.

9. Calculation & Billing
Relying on rough estimates to bill your clients is absolutely unreliable and almost unprofessional, especially if they prefer accurate calculations based on the time spent on their work. Invoices and bills can be generated automatically by using productivity tracking software, which tracks hours worked, number of tasks, and projects completed.

10. Data Security Measures
How much data security is too much data security? Having employee monitoring software in your computer systems is an intelligent way of thwarting cyber theft, insider risks, and data breaches. Employee monitoring makes it impossible for employees to hide anything, so they cannot indulge in illegal cyber activities.

11. Project Management Strategies
Successful project management rewards you with more clients, drives revenue, and opens opportunities for business growth. Keeping track of a team's project-related productivity helps assess the quality of the work and report on the team's challenges.

Benefits Employees Gain With Productivity Monitoring

Proof of Work
Even in this digital age, you must record all the work done. This record will be handy for employees as a reference source, whereas your HR department can use the same to conduct appraisals. Impartial employee evaluations and recognition are highly possible when a work record is available.

Better Productivity & Efficiency
Ever since it came into existence, productivity software has, time and again, proven that it increases productivity in both in-house and remote employees. It helps keep them from unnecessary distractions, enhances their time management, and motivates them to complete tasks within the stipulated time.

Enhanced Workforce Dynamics
Creating a conducive work environment that’s mutually beneficial for everyone is no mean feat. However, training your focus on employee productivity with the help of software immensely helps create the kind of atmosphere that:

  • Instils trust and loyalty
  • Reduces turnover rates
  • Motivates employee development

Gone are the days when employee tracking was an intrusion. The entire dynamic of this tech solution has changed today. Employee productivity monitoring software has made itself indispensable for employers and employees in many ways.

And if employee productivity is your focus, opting for a software like More/Hour might be the best decision you can make. Want a free demo? Do call our team right away!

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