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Time Tracking Solutions For Your Employees By More/Hour

An employee using a dual screen in an office illustrates the employee's time tracking system.
Mar 10, 2023

Time-tracking solutions are becoming more popular in business nowadays due to the frequent updates to federal and state labor rules. Introducing monitoring to workers might be difficult for some companies because of concern that their workers would dislike the change.

The introduction of time-tracking software is not a smooth transition for companies that have never done it before, and it may be scary for workers who are unfamiliar with the concept. They worry that their employer can now monitor their every move in the office. At More/ Hour we strive to make the transition as smooth as possible by providing a user-friendly platform with clear instructions that can help allay any employee fears. With our automated time-tracking software, employers can easily monitor their employees’ work hours and gain insights into their teams’ productivity.

Workers are the backbone of every successful business. Hence, it's crucial to consider staff safety and morale while implementing a time-tracking system. Although time monitoring has increased productivity, some workers may feel their independence and privacy are being infringed upon. If this isn't done correctly, it might add stress related to maintaining track of timesheets.

Introducing Time Tracking to Your Team: Step-by-Step Instructions

Your business has a culture of its own, whether or not you consciously created it. All businesses do. An organization's culture encompasses everything from how daily tasks are handled to the format of quarterly and annual meetings. Considering the company's mood or culture can help you tailor the announcement, training, and meetings for the new time-tracking software.

Implementing a system to track time should not be difficult with some careful planning. Let's drive through the most important steps you need to take in order to get your team started with time tracking.

Educate your employees

Communication is vital to the success of every company, and it is also the cornerstone of trust. Let your staff know the rationale for using time-monitoring software. Ensure that your team is fully aware of the reasons for the change by being open and honest with them. Instead of sending an email, call a meeting of all employees to discuss the matter.

Explain user benefits to employees

After they fully grasp the company's ethos, you can explain the new software's value. Ideally, the goal is to ease the burden of leaders and to keep everyone engaged. Don't forget to stress it to your staff. Some things to emphasize while discussing time-tracking programs should include:

  • Boosts employee responsibility
  • Enhances productivity
  • Simplifies task visibility
  • Helps recognize the value of time
  • Acknowledge activity-specific time investments
  • Boosts responsibility at the top levels of management
  • Streamlines payroll processing
  • Simplifies complicated billing procedures for clients

The outcome is an enhanced business that is good for all employees.

Explain the goal clearly

This step is all about showcasing your excellent management and leadership abilities. Employees might get the impression that their work is being micromanaged and that they are not trusted. This might result in a great deal of animosity and emotions. You are responsible for defining precisely how the tracking system will be used.By providing your staff with reassurance, you will win their confidence and make it easier for them to adjust to the change. It is of the utmost importance to emphasize the fact that monitoring an employee's time is not intended to serve as a stand-alone criterion for determining their level of skill or work ethic. It is a valuable tool that helps management increase teamwork and empower workers.

Choose a employee-centric software

It is important to make an informed decision when selecting a time tracking system because there is no shortfall of options in the market that do not take the employees into account. Employees should have access to the information that you have regarding their schedules, requests for time off, assigned tasks, and hours worked through the time tracking software. The espionage concern is thus irrelevant. Workers have all the right to see the data collected on them, including but not limited to punch-in/out times, tasks assigned to them, and work schedules. Employees will lose faith in the organization if they cannot contribute to time tracking.

Select a user-friendly system

There will already be a lot of questions and doubts for employees. The success of your company's time-tracking system depends on your workers' satisfaction with the plan you choose. Workers strive for efficiency because they appreciate the advantages that come with it. Employees are likely to adopt a user-friendly method if it is simple for them to punch in and out.

Demonstrate how to use it

You should train your staff on the ins and outs of the time tracking software before relying on them to actually start recording their time. Schedule some time to show everyone how it's done. To ensure that people use the app appropriately, you should provide thorough responses to any queries they may have. Resolve any problems they may be experiencing with their accounts. If you decide to use More/Hour as your team's time-tracking software, be sure to highlight the key aspects that will have the most effect on their day-to-day operations. Think about the graphical timeline, the integrated calendar, the ability to set up rules to automatically filter specific activities, and the ability to manually enter the time that happened on a separate device or off the device.

Also Read: Efficiency at its Best: The Benefits of Employee Monitoring Software

Explains the benefits and incentives

Incentives may be more effectively provided if time spent is well accounted for. When workers are eventually acknowledged for their efforts, they are more inclined to welcome time tracking as a positive perk. Put some levity and practical motivation into your time monitoring software to boost morale and productivity.

Establish a time to reflect

Choose a day and time later on for the team to meet before beginning official time monitoring. Set aside some time to have a team meeting so everyone can talk about the time-tracking tool before you start using it to officially monitor your team's time. Mark your calendars for 30 or 60 days after you've begun tracking your team's time on a project. This gathering aims to hear your team's thoughts on the time-tracking system. Have them use the time-tracking app to write down their thoughts, questions, or comments.

Take in criticism and respond to queries

At this step, getting input from your team on time tracking is your top priority. This is a crucial stage when workers may voice their opinions and concerns. You'll get to elaborate on why monitoring time spent on tasks is good for everyone involved. Questions must be answered as soon as possible at this stage. It is your duty to address any inquiries from your team. Think about how your responses will affect the group and provide honest, precise information. It's also a good moment to let employees know that they'll have the chance to look into alternative possibilities if the time-tracking application doesn't work out.

More/hour: Choose the tracking system to best suit your need

If appropriately utilized, time monitoring software significantly increases workplace efficiency, output, and morale. After introducing and implementing your time-tracking technology, it is crucial to continue the same. It's essential to check in with your staff often to see how they're adjusting. While some workers may feel uncomfortable raising any problems with the time-tracking process, it's essential to let them know you're invested in helping them. Introduce your employees to More/Hour and see how easy it is to track and manage their time. With intuitive features, they'll save time and energy while keeping their work on track. Sign up now and get started with More/Hour!

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