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MORE/hour Employee Monitoring Software for Windows

The perfect productivity tool to keep your workforce moving forward and stay motivated.

MORE/hour: The Time Tracker for Windows

The MORE/hour time tracking app for Windows is packed with every possible feature to endow you with better workforce control, employee privacy and access to all work-related data. It also empowers employees to control when the tracker runs and what screenshots it takes. MORE/hour helps teams identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals with in-depth reporting, productivity measurements, and controllable screenshots.

How MORE/hour Works for Windows

Step 1
Create your MORE/hour account.

Create your MORE/hour account and enable your trial license automatically

Step 2
Invite in-house employees and remote workers.

Add your team members' email addresses by clicking "Invite your team" on the dashboard. You can add as many employees as you like.

Step 3
Guide your team to start tracking time using MORE/hour Windows app.

By downloading MORE/hour time tracker, employees can decide when to start and stop the timer to track their work hours. As a result, all proof of activity such as screenshots, app and URL usage, and activity rates will be tracked only if the timer is on.

Take advantage of MORE/hour's employee performance and efficiency improvement to stay ahead of the competition.


When the time tracker is on, MORE/hour allows you to track all user activity such as:

  • App and URL usage
  • Screenshots of the devices
  • Time spent on official tasks
  • Projects and tasks worked on

Yes, your employees can access the data collected with MORE/hour monitoring software. They can also delete any information they choose to. As per our policies, we do not sell any data to third parties.

MORE/hour takes no more than ten minutes to install and setup for Windows devices. Our platform is also user-friendly for all employees to implement the process.

MORE/hour provides excellent customer support from the time you sign up. We take care of the installation, configuration, and post-installation process. We also provide a personal assistant to resolve your queries and doubts.

Get complete access to our time and productivity features with a free trial.
Download the Employee Monitoring software today.
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