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Workplace Investigations

MORE/hour works in accordance with your privacy policies to monitor, record, and report employees' activity no matter where they work from.
Vector image illustrating time tracking and monitoring employee's activity.

Effective, Efficient & Fair Workplace Investigations With MORE/hour

It is imperative to ensure fairness when conducting investigations at work, and you need to be armed with proper evidence. MORE/hour supports your organizational probes with real-time proof gathered through screenshots, login features, user alerts, and user behavior analytics to uncover financial fraud, data theft, and other anti-organizational conduct. Our monitoring policies cover the risk levels of each employee, so we ensure the right data is being recorded.

Workplace Investigations With MORE/hour

Gather Accurate Evidence

Use MORE/hour’s stealth mode to gather accurate evidence to be used effectively when facing security-related issues.

Stay Legally Compliant

Monitor compliance and run audit in real-time with real-time alerts and customizable dashboards.

Ensure Fair Processes

Keep sensitive workplace investigations impartial and organized with accurate analytics gathered through our software.

Detect User Behavior Anomaly

Obtain immediate alerts and content-specific information about strange behavior to determine its legitimacy.

Keep Track of All Onscreen Activity
Ensure the impartiality of your workplace investigations.
Get Started Today


A workplace investigation is a process of uncovering details leading to organizational violations, misconduct, or ethical lapses. Any workplace investigation has three objectives:

  1. To assess what happened
  2. To determine the persons involved
  3. To decide the actions required to rectify the situation

If the investigation reveals misconduct by an employee, the organization can take action against him/her or even terminate them from work. Law enforcement authorities must be notified if the investigation reveals any criminal activity.

MORE/hour helps your workplace investigations by allowing you to collect irrefutable evidence, detect insider threats, and reduce the resources needed to conduct the investigation.

Installing MORE/hour’s Workplace Investigation on your company-owned devices allows you to be on top of all digital activities happening in your business. MORE/hour gives you a detailed look into your employees’:

  • Internet usage
  • Keystroke activities
  • Web history
  • Search history
  • Social media usage
  • File upload and downloads
  • Emails

Our Screenshot Monitoring feature also allows you to take random screenshots of employees’ devices, which you can access at any time to gather evidence of their activities. Hence, you can quickly find evidence of misconduct or wrongdoing on the accused employee's device if an investigation arises.

Yes, it is legal to use software to monitor company-owned devices. However, the monitoring laws vary in the US in every state. Some states require employers to notify their employees before using monitoring software, but others allow monitoring without their consent. It is often found that courts in the US find that employees have limited expectations of privacy at work. Union contracts, however, provide some protection from electronic monitoring.
Gather the evidence you need to prevent misconduct in your organization.
Start A Free Trial Today
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